The Digital Health Revolution
I was invited to contribute a column introducing digital health I was…
New Concussion Sensors, Apps Help Without Solving Key Diagnostic Issues
Originally published on Originally published on Handheld diagnostic devices. Blood tests. Helmet sensors. Apps…
Why Accessible Technology Matters…to All of Us
What does the word accessible mean to you? You may first think of the…
Empathy, Humanity and Design at GE Healthcare
Originally published on medical procedure can be the most emotional, frightening…
Box Challenges Developers to Build Apps for Patient Education
Nephosity iPad appOriginally published on Nephosity iPad appOriginally published on…
The Price, Cost, and Value of Bio-Pharmaceutical Care
“Confusion” and “Misunderstanding” are two of the words one can use to…
From War to Bionic Legs to Immortality
For better or worse, war has provided the impetus for new medical…
Better Testing for ALS with This Health Startup
Originally published on It might not seem like a fitting name for a…
Revolution in Lab Testing: Theranos
There is a revolution in lab testing! Theranos makes it so easy!…
Young Google Science Fair Champ Discovers New Leads for Anti-Flu Drugs
Originally published on Chen isn’t your average 17-year-old. When the high…