Cleveland Clinic’s Picks for Top Innovations in 2014
First published at Each year a committee of Cleveland Clinic doctors asks…
Crossing the Chasm with Connectivity
Creating and launching innovative ground-breaking new technologies and solutions is a heady…
What Keeps Top Healthcare CEOs Up at Night?
First published on The reason that innovation in healthcare has lagged behind innovation…
Touch-Sensitive Artificial Limbs on the Horizon For Amputees: A New Age of “Smart” Prosthetics?
A team of scientists at the University of Chicago are working toward…
Interview: Seamless Medical’s David Perez Is Giving the Physician Waiting Room a 2.0 Update
David Perez is the founder and CEO of Seamless Medical Systems, a New Mexico-based…
Slow Going on EMR Adoption in Puerto Rico
This week I’ve been hanging out at the beautiful El Conquistador Resort in Puerto…
Google Glass in Surgery: Hangout on Air
HOA: Google Glass in SurgeryI took part in a Google+ Hangout On…
New Technology: A Wearable Device to Help Blind People Navigate
Originally published on Technology that was initially meant to help…
Boomer Voice: Digital Devices Help Reconnect the Hearing Impaired
Do you have loved ones whose hearing is keeping them from talking…
Wearable ReWalk Device Finds Partner in Japanese Robotics Firm
A robotic exoskeleton that was demonstrated for President Obama earlier this year…