Review of eResponder Personal Emergency Response System (PERS)
eResponder, cellular based Personal Emergency Response System (PERS) eResponder, cellular based Personal…
5 of the Coolest Healthcare Tech Initiatives of the Past Five Years
Rapidly advancing technology in the healthcare industry is changing the way patients…
Calorie Intake: The Last Mile for Truly Connected Health
Somewhere around December or January, my weight, seemingly suddenly, jumped a couple…
Great News for Consumers from ONC: The Blue Button Continues to Deliver
The HHS’ Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) made a couple of cool announcements…
Disrupting and Destructing Healthcare
From childhood most of us remember the sage parental advice on how…
Top 10 Healthcare Takeaways from #SXSW2014: Part One
As I did in 2013 for SXSW, here are five of my…
Health IT, Necessary But Not Sufficient: A HiMSS14 Interview with Farzad Mostashari
Farzad Mostashari, former National Coordinator of Health IT and current Visiting Fellow, Engelberg Center, Brookings…
Criminal Attacks on Healthcare Organizations Increase 100%
I've posted on data security and breaches for the last few years…
Sales of Sealants, Hemostasis, Other Closure a Large, Shifting Market Worldwide
Products that provide hemostasis, closure, sealing and anti-adhesion of wounds comprised long…
Teleradiology Providing an Increasing Number of Opportunities to Europe
In January 2014, the European Society of Radiology (ESR) updated its white…