Wearables and Seizures? Interview with John Hixson of UCSF
Dr. Hixson is the Principal Investigator for a VHA-based clinical study examining…
Fundings in Medtech 2009-2014: A Contrarian View
Since 2008, medtech has taken a lot of hits. Indeed, when the…
Hooray for High-Priced Hepatitis Treatment Sovaldi
Congratulations to Gilead Sciences for producing Sovaldi (sofosbuvir), which cures hepatitis C…
Doctors 2.0 & You Videos: Serious Games – Jurriaan van Rijswijk, Jennifer Stinson and Oxana Kolosova
Serious Games bring essential techniques to bear on digital health. Gaming, gamification are…
Anecdote-Driven Systems Engineering and Complaint-Based Interoperability Design Won’t Solve Health IT Woes
As I’ve been preparing to chair the HealthIMPACT conference in Houston next…
Healthcare CEOs Want Mobility Training
Healthcare CEOs recognize that they need to build a bigger and better…
BioPharma Beat: 7 Drivers of Disruptive Innovation in Healthcare
Disruptive Innovation and Disruptive Competition are popular concepts that companies in all…
Why Tablets Are the New Frontier for In-Home mHealth
It’s hard to deny that the health care industry is looking to…
X-Ray Dosimeter Improves Radiation Dose Management in Real-Time: Or, How a Little Badge Provides Real-Time Radiation Dose Data
At the University Hospital Erlangen, Germany, patient and staff safety are considered…
Five Tips for Folding FDA’s New Medical App Oversight into Your Business Strategy
In my post for InformationWeek Healthcare, I discussed the implications of the…