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Breaking Language Barriers in Healthcare Using Digital Technology
The non-English speaking patient population in the U.S. accounts for an estimated…
Q&A Part Two: Technology & Healthcare Efficiency—Not Always the Perfect Match
David Lee Scher, M.D., is a cardiac electrophysiologist and a pioneer in…
Biological Growth Factors in Wound Care Drive Big Revenue Growth, Too
Extensive research has demonstrated that wound fluid is rich in growth factors.…
IT Helps Smooth Transitions of Care
Care transitions often result in additional work for both the patient and…
My Wish List for Apple’s HealthKit Initiative
Apple has been making headlines again, which is not unusual for a…
Enhancing the “Coolness Factor” in Our Later Years
Biomedical advances over the last century have advanced our life spans to…
8 Healthcare Provider Pain Points
Summary: What are your healthcare provider pain points? What are you doing…
Is My Medicine on the Prescription Drug Formulary?
One of the frustrating aspects of medical practice is trying to divine…
Technology and Healthcare Efficiency: Not Always the Perfect Match
David Lee Scher, M.D., is a cardiac electrophysiologist and a pioneer in…