Startups:Digital Health Accelerator Program Accepting Applications
Last week, the New York eHealth Collaborative announced the New York Digital Health Accelerator…
Fostering Innovation in Academic Medicine
A conversation with Chris Coburn, Executive Director for Innovation, Cleveland Clinic Your job…
Simulation – A Disruptive and Transformational Technology In Medicine
EXCLUSIVE POST - Incredible innovative and entrepreneurial skills have led to…
Consumer Genomic Testing Challenges Physicians to Stay Within the Guidelines
Practice guidelines help physicians and other health care providers deliver consistent and…
Does Moore’s Law Make Better Health Care Inevitable?
EXCLUSIVE POST - Yesterday’s jammed-packed day at TEDMED has been outstandingly summarized…
3 Ways that Crowdfunding Can Benefit the Healthcare Market
In 1997, American fans of the British rock group Marillon rallied together…
TEDMED Day #1, Light on Medicine, High on Inspiration
EXCLUSIVE POST - I’m attending TEDMED this week at the Kennedy Center…
Digging Deeper to Answer Healthcare’s Great Challenges
About two months ago, I traveled to Las Vegas for the largest…
Technology, Healthcare and the Frankenstein Syndrome
Technology in life takes holdDoes Moore's Law apply to advances in the…
Top 10 iPhone Apps that Doctors and Medical Students Can Rely On
How many times have you needed to make an important calculation or…