Sharing of ‘Good Ideas’ Vital to Solve Healthcare Challenges in 2013
Thanks yet again to Twitter, I recently came across an article on…
Two Types of Innovation: What is the Right Balance?
I recently coined a phrase while talking to our senior leadership at…
First HHS Innovation Fellowships’ Meeting Focuses on New Measures of Quality in Healthcare
In its quest to find ways to reduce healthcare costs but boost…
On Cleveland Clinic’s Top 10 Healthcare Innovations of 2013
Earlier this week, I reflected on the Cleveland Clinic predictions on the Top 10 innovations in…
mHealthSummit Day 2 – Innovations and Devices
Day 2 at the Summit. Fascinating, exciting and innovative companies exhibiting here…
The Top 10 Healthcare Innovations of 2012. How Well Did They Do?
Last year, the Cleveland Clinic predicted what the Top 10 innovations in healthcare for 2012 would…
Engaging Patients in Palliative Care
In celebration of National Hospice/Palliative Care month, it seems fitting to point…
Cutting the Cord in Ultrasound Systems
For many radiologists and other physicians, the Holy Grail in ultrasound imaging…
Giving Thanks for Connections to a Healthy Future
Taking a moment to pause at this time of Thanksgiving, I wanted…
Why Hospitals Need to Think Globally
The United States has long been a melting pot of cultures, beliefs,…