USA Today Revisits Medspa Plastic Surgery
USA Today covered cosmetic surgery at medspas, and by non-plastic surgeons. This…
Putting Physician Practices Into Context
An organization’s ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly,…
Tips for Working with Older Adults Who Hoard
Hoarding is a growing mental health problem among older adults in the…
Omada Health Takes the Diabetes Prevention Program Digital
The landmark Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) study was published in the New…
USPSTF Pushes Back on Hepatitis C Virus Mass Screening.
I spend a lot of my time reading, thinking and writing about…
Planeloads of Doctors Determined to Cure Blood-Related Cancers
I had a weird experience yesterday. I flew from my home in…
Retirement Communities: Not Your Momma’s “Old Folks Home” Anymore
There is a common misconception about retirement homes and communities. People think…
Mammograms Overdiagnose Breast Cancer – Let the Games Begin!
Breast news is booming. Breast news is booming. Mammography is in the…
Engaging Patients in Palliative Care
In celebration of National Hospice/Palliative Care month, it seems fitting to point…
Tips for Living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Tips for Living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)For most of us,…