Latest Specialties News
ECT–The Less Than Shocking Story, Part I
Why write about ECT today? Isn’t it yesterday’s news? Actually, in the…
As Society Ages, the Potential for Elder Abuse Increases
Posted in CMSKnowledge & MedicinePolitics & The Law Posted in CMSKnowledge &…
Hip Replacement Increases Stroke Risk Fourfold
Individuals who underwent a total hip replacement had at least four times…
A Single Eye Screening Can Save Your Life
When we think of “life-saving screenings,” we don’t often think of eye…
Seniors and Shingles: Myth vs Fact
Shingles is a painful disease caused by the same virus as the…
High Quality, Low Cost HealthCare Video Interview Series: Dr. David Albert and AliveCor
Last week we heard Dr Akash Rajpal talk about Ekohealth and how…
The Coldest Journey: Q&A with Dr. Rob Lambert, Expedition Team Doctor
Before he left the UK to fly to Cape Town and join…
Does Seasonal Affective Disorder Affect the Elderly?
Does your aging loved one have a case of the “winter blues”…
Now Your iPhone Can Take Your Pulse
In the past few years, we’ve seen many examples of how mobile…