Latest Specialties News
Hospital Staff Cuts Dose for Pediatric Exams in Half with a Testing/Evaluation Process
In keeping with the Image Gently Campaign, our staff reduced dose for…
Insomnia: Fears and Treatment – Part II
If my hypothesis (see previous post, Part 1) proves correct that fear…
How Good is Screening Colonoscopy for Average-risk Adults?
As the date of my screening colonoscopy is coming up soon, an…
Insomnia: Fears and Treatment – Part I
What are two major miseries of our well-off modern society? Obesity and…
The New York Times, Aspirin and Melanoma
One of the reasons my blogging has fallen off lately is because…
Person-Centered HealthCare: Not In My Name: Real Patient-Centeredness Means Sharing Power
Editor’s note: For more on engaging patients to be active participants in…
Cognitive Gender Differences: Are Women More Efficient Thinkers?
Scientists have puzzled over cognitive differences between men and women for at…
Alzheimer’s, Anticipatory Grief, and Ambiguous Loss: Saying Goodbye But Still Here
As a caregiver to someone with Alzheimer’s Disease, you may often find…
Mummies and Ancient Aleut People with Heart Disease? It Isn’t Modern Diets That are the Problem?
The recent study that came out showing that ancient people had heart…
The Problem With Manual CPR
Do mechanical devices improve compression consistency and resuscitation outcomes? Do mechanical devices…