NCOA Announces New Online Portal for Older Adults Seeking Employment
The National Council on Aging (NCOA) launched JobSource, a new online portal…
Using Business Intelligence and Analytics for Radiology Billing
It seems like data is everywhere you look. Businesses rely on marketing…
Why Today’s Cancer Experts Love Educated Patients
Time is limited, and time is money, right? Doctors never seem to…
ALS Community and Innovation in Medicine
It sometimes feels strange to me that I am so interested in…
Parkinson’s Disease: 12 Surprising Facts You Didn’t Know
Parkinson’s (also known as idiopathic parkinsonism, hypokinetic rigid syndrome/HRS, or paralysis agitans) was first…
New Indication for Colonoscopy: High Value Target Captured.
This past week, I had a once-in-a-career event. Indeed, if I…
Wound Healing Physiology
When body tissue is damaged by trauma, surgery, hypoxia, or other destructive…
Government Institute Announces Distancing from Psychiatric “Bible”
Just mere weeks before the next edition of the “bible” of psychotherapeutics…
May is Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Month
Yup, it’s May, and, therefore, thanks to House Resolution #1005, passed 4/1/08,…
Business Opportunity: Safety Packaging for Home Chemo
Medication mix-ups are a well-known source of errors and harm in the…