Vitamin D and Bone Health for Active Adults
Out of all the benefits of vitamin D, the ones that stand…
Cell Therapy: The Missing Link for a True Artificial Pancreas?
Originally published on Originally published on A closed-loop system of devices…
Storytelling Gives Dementia Patients Joy, Improves Medical Student Attitudes
Earlier this summer I stumbled upon an AM Rounds post, the official blog…
Cigna’s Healthcare Gaming Mission: “Cancer-Fighting” Game App for Kids
Originally published on Originally published on years ago, it would…
The Most Effective Ways to Manage and Prevent UTIs in the Elderly
Urinary tract infections are the second most common type of infection in…
Could a Video Game Help Autistic Children?
Originally published on gray feline avatar — that’s Shadow Cat. He’s…
Elderly Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms and Risk Factors
According to the National Center for Health Statistics, urinary tract infections (UTIs)…
Spit Happens! Genentech and 23andMe Team Up to Advance Genomic Testing in Clinical Trials
(Editor's Note: John Nosta writes for Forbes under the heading, "Health Critical")Has…
EHRs Now Predict a Connection Between Type 2 Diabetes and Dementia
Use of electronic health records (EHRs) has begun to skyrocket in the…
Introducing BioPharma Beat: HealthWorks Collective’s Newest Column
Get ready for a New Exclusive from HealthWorks Collective! BioPharma Beat is…