Physician Integrity
Doctors have been giving out sick notes for teachers protesting Wisconsin’s threat…
Cut Medicaid?
The legislative conundrum Wisconsin finds itself in is having repercussions nationwide, as…
Quality of Life Adjustments Don’t Matter for Cancer Treatment Cost Effectiveness
In a paper in Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, Dan…
Stop The Bleeding!
Expedient methods to clot the wound when only seconds count! Each year,…
Two Visions for Health Reform
How can the federal government encourage low-cost, high-quality medical care? There are…
Critics of Reform Law Try Different Strategy on Heels of DC Gathering
At the recent governors’ meeting on the Hill, the president appeared to…
The Elephant in the Room: Discussing Obesity with the Doctor
From the Wall Street Journal (Doctors Should Discuss Obesity With Patients): Patients…
Do We Have It All Wrong About Obesity?
Do obese people generate costs for other people? Mainly not, according to…
Alcohol Consumption at Sporting Events
Among fans who attend live sporting events, drinking alcohol is nearly as…
Lawmakers Finally Asking About Medicare Contractor Conflict of Interests
This is something that is long over due. With all the mergers…