Trends in Medical Care – Overview
There are a series of medical megatrends outlined in my book The…
Alternative Quality Contract
“In January 2009 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts launched a new…
CMS to Announce ACO Regs Soon
What exactly is an accountable care organization? Interestingly, the term is as…
No Lack of Self Esteem
Ninety-four percent of college professors believe they have above-average teaching skills. A…
Comorbidity of Mental and Physical Illness
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Synthesis Project has produced an excellent report…
How Massachusetts’ Commonwealth Connector is Better than Utah’s Health Exchange
The range of current libertarian-conservative expert opinion on ObamaCare’s Health Benefits Exchanges…
Feds to Regulate Rocket Fuel Levels in Tap Water
After nearly a decade of inaction, the US government is finally going…
Slush Fund: What Did They Know? When Did They Know It?
Rep. Michele Bachmann asserted on Meet the Press that a $105 billion…
Wait Until FY 2012 on Meaningful Use
Anthony Guerra pointed me to an article by Protima Advani at iHealthBeat…
Medicaid is Worse than Being Uninsured
This is Scott Gottlieb, writing in The Wall Street Journal: A 2010…