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Why ACOs Might Not Make an Impact (transcript)
This is the transcript of my recent podcast interview with Avalere Health’s…
Surprise – Adolescent Obesity Leads To Later Heart Disease and Diabetes
Well, probably not a surprise at all. The seeds of coronary artery…
Three Aims of CMS & Well-Managed Healthcare Organizations
David Sayen, Region IX CMS Administrator, came to Ventura last week and…
Posner: Details of Ryan Plan Don’t Matter
The significance of the plan lies not in its details, or indeed…
The Sleepy American
Sleep deprivation has been linked to motor vehicle accidents, industrial accidents and…
Medicare Data Access Provides Payment Transparency
It’s got bipartisan support, and it would call for transparency the amount…
Virginia Telehealth Summit – Takeaways
The Virginia Telehealth Network Summit meeting was held April 5, 2011. Invited…
Paul Ryan Urges Major Reshaping of Medicare Sustainability
Now that most of the drama surrounding a possible government shutdown has…
Alzheimers Onset Less in Bilingual
Bilingual individuals who have been able to speak more than one language…