Latest Policy & Law News
Market for Obesity Products in India
Growth in the global market for obesity management products — devices and…
Medical Myths Exposed: Do We Want Truth or Zeus?
We have had many family conversations about education reform over the We…
Amid Budget Shortfall, Minnesota Hospitals Defend Spending on Economic Terms
The current economic crisis that is afflicting many states, including Minnesota, renders…
A Silver Lining in GOP Attempts to Defund PPACA implementation
The Hill (CBO: Defunding healthcare law could end drug benefits) has an…
How to Start an Adult Discussion on Medicare
Now is a good time to take a deep breath and entertain…
Vermont Gov. Signs Single Payer Bill into Law
The governor of the state of Vermont has just signed legislation into…
The HHS Plan to Reduce Racial Disparities in Health Care
Twelve years after our nation began a serious effort to reduce racial…
Former MN Governor Pawlenty Quickly Reacts to Ryan Proposals
WIth Paul Ryan’s misstep, former MN governor and now declared GOP presidential…
Massachusetts UnionsTake a Wise Turn on Health Care
Massachusetts cities and towns face huge long-term health care financing challenges, thanks…