Latest Policy & Law News
Maine Versus Vermont
Vermont has gotten a fair amount of attention lately for enacting the…
Source of the E.Coli Breakout Could Be Bean Sprouts from Germany
The search continues and the latest potential source leads to their own…
The Future of Medicine: Do Pre-med Students Have a Clue?
At this writing, I am in Atlanta visiting our daughter at Emory…
Advocating for Patients at ASCO, The “World Series” of Cancer
I am off to Chicago to mingle with 30,000+ people from around…
Irrational Attitudes Toward Risk
When is the last time you heard anyone suggest that the climbing…
Don’t Kick a Unicorn When it’s Down
There has been a significant outcry against the proposed ACO regs: everything's…
The Challenges of Health Care Cost Control
A MedPage Today post by what appears to be an informed consumer…
Cleveland Clinic CEO Recommends Changes to Current ACO Rules
In addition to the Cleveland Clinic, several other hospitals and chains have…
A $2 Million Makeover
That’s what it is costing taxpayers to substitute this pie chart: For…