Latest Medical Education News
10 Best Jobs in Healthcare
Over the years I've supported young healthcare professionals with my ideas about…
#HCSM Tweet Chat Founder Dana Lewis [PODCAST]
Meet Dana Lewis, the founder of one of the most popular healthcare…
BioPharma Beat: Is Commercial Support of CME A Bad Idea?
Let’s start with a few realities: Let’s start with a few realities:More…
HPI Safety Summit: Communication Key Component of High Reliability Journey
The cab driver that took me to the Cincinnati airport as I…
Secure Physician Network: Brainstorming for Cures [PODCAST]
One of the most frequent topics in healthcare social media is how…
Innovation, Primary Care Style
On a recent evening at Harvard Medical School, the Primary Care Innovation…
A More Realistic Perspective on a Career in Medicine
Danielle Ofri, MD, physician, writer and editor, often turns her pen along…
Which Medical Specialty Should Medical Students Choose?
A medical student recently asked my advice on her decision to pursue…
Should You Trust Your Doctor’s Advice?
Is your doctor a hammer and you're a nail? Here's some insider's…
Taking a Fresh Look at Disruptive Physician Conduct
The reason that I entitled this post “A Fresh Look at Disruptive Physician…