Latest Health Reform News
How Health Innovators Can Foster Patient Empowerment
Now that questions about implementation of the Affordable Care Act shift from…
BioPharma Beat: We Want Healthcare at Any Price – Until We Have It
We all know the expression, “We often don’t appreciate things until they…
The Paradox in American Healthcare
We have a real paradox in American healthcare. On the one…
Exploring the Spectrum: An In-Depth Look at the Many Sides of Nursing [INFOGRAPHIC]
Nursing is one of the most diverse and rewarding fields in the…
New ACA Provision Calls for Cost Transparency in Hospitals
As part of the Affordable Care Act, the Centers for Medicare and…
ACOs Rapidly Expanding Across States
Summary: Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) are gaining in popularity as a result…
Creating a Realistic Hospital Marketing Plan
With the Affordable Care Act (ACA) offering more healthcare options to patients…
Factors Influencing ACO Expansion
Summary: What is contributing to the rapid expansion of ACOs? What programs…
Why EHRs are Key to Better Clinical Data
You cannot manage what you cannot measure. What you cannot measure, you…
Why Healthcare Needs to Be Communicated in 6 Words or Less
“This is now up to me.” They’re only six words. Yet those six…