Latest Global Healthcare News
Doc to Dock Sends Medical Supplies to Those in Need
This is very cool and I was not aware and perhaps this…
Cancer Scare for Coke, Pepsi Drinkers
Most people know that sugary cola drinks have no nutritional benefits,…
Disaster Management
Natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornados are some of the…
Chronic Disease Prevention Remains Top Priority
One year ago, passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act…
Hospital in Japan Struggling To Care for Patients
Fish are still swimming in the flooded basement and there’s only 2…
More on the Longevity Project
Cheerful children, alas, turned out to be shorter-lived than their more sober…
How To Help Japan: Earthquake Relief Options
On March 11, 2011, a huge 8.9 earthquake and subsequent tsunami hit…
Fear of Nuclear Accidents Worse than the Accidents Themselves
This is Rob Stein in The Washington Post, via Robin Hanson: Although…
Japan’s Nuclear Fallout: The Health Impact
The before-and-after pictures of the tsunami in Japan are heart-wrenching. And things…