Cost of Healthcare and Average Life Expectancy World Averages show USA a MASSIVE Outlier – InfoGraphic
Average Life Expectancy versus Cost of Healthcare World Average – INFOGRAPHICI…
Who Will Spend the New Money for Family Planning?
Yesterday’s family planning summit seems to have mobilized new funding commitments totaling…
Mobile Health Around the Globe: Africa and Asia – MyCrisisRecords
The expanded use of mobile wireless health care technology in medical facilities…
Four Health Innovation Drivers
In a previous blog post reporting in after the 2012 AusMedTech (Australia Medical Technology) conference, we…
Mobile Health Around the Globe: mHealth India Plans 2012 – Part I
Editor's Note: Dr. Ruchi Dass is a renowned expert in the field…
#Doctors20 & You Conference: #mHealth, #ePatients, #Collaboration
Doctors 2.0&You succeeded in bringing together interested intelligent healthcare thinkers from…
Euro Health Consumer Index 2012 Shows #Prevention is the Way Forward, of Course
Euro Health Consumer Index 2012The Euro Health Consumer Index takes a consumer…
Mobile Health Around the Globe: Treating Malnutrition in Zanzibar
Editor's note: Marc Mitchell will be a distinguished participant in our webinar…
Can “Portfolio Theory” Be Applied to NIH Funding Decisions?
The National Institutes of Health has faced some critical fire lately: for…
Can “Portfolio Theory” Be Applied to NIH Funding Decisions?
The National Institutes of Health has faced some critical fire lately: for…