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If the Wife Takes an Antidepressant, is the Husband Protected From Suicide?
About one in every 10 Americans takes an antidepressant these days.It’s a…
AACC Convention: Takeaways and Industry Updates
Executive vice president David Dolinger,, Ph.D., of a company called Seegene, was…
What Low Income Patient’s Want From Their Experience With Providers!
I seem to be sharing a lot of stats lately, but stats…
The Need to Blame the Doctor, not the System
Maureen Dowd wrote a thoughtful and thought-provoking article in the New York…
Dog X-Ray Scores Patient a Prescription of Pain Killers and a Bust From the Police At Urgent Care Center
The X-Ray even had the tail in the picture. The doctor had…
More Bad News on Tobacco
The number of states hiking cigarette taxes to raise revenue while curbing…
It Pays to Be a Boy–and a Radiologist
I think my readers have guessed by now that I like my…
Greetings From Your Town, USA
You see them in airport stores and kitschy roadside attractions. They are…
Cooling Centers Help Hide from the Heat
Joni Mitchell sung the truth when she crooned “you don’t know what…
NASAIDs Causing Heart Attacks? Guide for the Perplexed
NSAID drugs NSAID drugsNSAID (non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs) are used by millions…