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Community Health Centers and Healthcare Systems Partnering for Healthcare of the Future
In a recent passionate plea, Dr. In a recent passionate plea, Dr.…
CDC Warns of Increasing Gonococcal Resistance
Posted in Pharma & DevicesScience & Research Posted in Pharma & DevicesScience…
Medical Tests You May Not Need
Choosing Wisely is part of a multi-year effort of the ABIM Foundation…
Three Biggest Pharmaceutical Lawsuits of 2012: Psychiatric Drugs Focus of All Three
“A billion here, a billion there, sooner or later it adds up…
Conference Season Approaching – Prepare for Landing
While it may not be as exciting as landing on Mars, there…
Metabolic Surgery for Treatment of Obesity
Bariatric surgery is the leading non-pharmaceutical treatment for obesity. In fact, to…
Sinai Hospital to Help NASA Study Effects of Spaceflight on Astronauts
Sinai Hospital is going into space!Okay, not literally. But research that will…
The Granny Pod – Good Idea or Bad
This is reprinted from my Friday blog. This is reprinted from…
The Impact of Chronic Conditions on Spending Disparities
In a recent article from The Fiscal Times, Merrill Goozner reminded us…
Advance Practice Nurse Solution: Making Healthcare Affordable for All
Despite adding roughly 160k jobs to the economy in July, today’s jobsC…