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#SXSW 2013: Top 10 Healthcare Takeaways
First posted on Educate the Young First posted on Educate the YoungThere…
Using Kinect and a Tablet to See Inside Your Skull
This is wild and was done in the Microsoft UK research office. …
HIMSS 2013: Healthcare Trends from This Year’s Conference
Last week, several members of the TripleTree team attended HIMSS 2013 in…
Meat and Mortality: Does Eating Meat Decrease Your Lifespan?
Does eating red meat decrease your lifespan? This is a discussion that…
Patient Engagement Explored at the ePharma Summit
Snowflakes and Bitch-Slaps at the ePharma Summit Snowflakes and Bitch-Slaps at the…
Sequestration Reduced Your Medicare Pay? You Have Four Options
It’s no April Fools’ Day joke. Your Medicare revenue cut begins on…
Diet Studies: Is There One Best Diet?
Is diet the answer to our health problems? Does diet make a…
Surrogacy in the News: Extreme Story Not Reflective of Ethical Practices
We were appalled to read today’s CNN article out of Connecticut, where…
Paul Krugman: Stop Being an Embarrassment to the Profession
About two-thirds of all the Medicaid enrollees in the country are enrolled…
HHS to Scrap Outdated Medicare Regulations
In a new move towards assisting the healthcare industry, the White House…