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High Quality, Low Cost HealthCare Video Interview Series: Dr Ricardo Bello Talks Reducing Readmissions @MontefioreNYC
Previously, Dr Lawrence Cheskin from Johns Hopkins talked to us about his…
Most Expensive Nursing Homes on the East Coast
According to's searchable online database the most expensive nursing home care…
Wing of Zock “Chart Review” Blog Carnival, April 2013 Edition
Compiled by Jennifer Salopek and Sarah SoniesWelcome to the April edition of…
Teamwork + SXSW + Minecraft + Healthcare = Sum Greater Than Parts
There is a call in healthcare for all stakeholders to move toward…
The Hackerman-Patz House, a Home Away from Home
One of the many advantages for patients and their families of Sinai…
Grading Media Coverage: Gary Schwitzer Holds Health Journalists’ Feet to the Fire
How do you turn a flood of news and information into something…
Nursing Homes in Maine Are Best in Nation
Recently U.S. News & World Report released its fifth annual list of…
Stop the Pilot Programs
The federal government has been spending billions of dollars on health care…
New Alzheimer’s Report: Facts and Stats Paint Grim Picture
Alzheimer’s disease is number six on the list of leading causes of…
Recruiting Patients for Studies Getting Easier
With advances in medicine also come new challenges for scientists, doctors and…