Mobile Health Around the Globe: EyeNetra Offers SmartPhone Eye Diagnostics
Over 4 billion people in the world require eyeglasses. And most of…
**NEW** Exclusive Column Coming Up!
Watch for our new column on Pharma coming up at the end…
Exoskeletons, Computer-Aided Diagnostics and 4 Other Amazing Projects by Google Science Fair Finalists
Originally published in MedCityNews Originally published in MedCityNewsBaking soda volcanoes and tri-fold…
Lasting Effects: Health Impact On First Responders
The days after September 11th, 2001, the city of New York was…
Lyme Disease Rate 10 Times Higher Than Expected
Approximately 300,000 Americans are infected with Lyme disease each year, according to…
“The Power of Crowdsourcing”: A Primer on Trending Medical Education
Crowdsourcing is a term that was coined by Jeff Howe in Wired Magazine, 2006.…
What’s in a Breath? Much More Than You May Think
The What The WhatAthletes have been using personalized physiological data for years…
Intermountain Healthcare Opens Innovation Center
(Editor's Note: Dan Munro writes for Forbes under the heading, "Healthcare Compass")…
FDA Updates List of Recognized Standards, Confusion Ensues
On August 6, 2013, FDA published modifications to the list of medical…
Medtronic Advances Deep Space Exploration – Of the Human Brain
What’s out there, deep in outer space? The mystery is as old…