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Health Reward Stat of the Day – Sept 11
According to the 2016 Towers Watson “Emerging Trends in Healthcare” survey,…
Celebrating 125 years at Levindale Hebrew Geriatric Center
LifeBridge Health is proud to celebrate the 125-year anniversary of Levindale! Levindale…
Healthcare Technology and the DocResponse Revolution – Meet Your New Best Friend in Healthcare
HealthCare Technology and the DocResponse Revolution – Meet Your New Best Friend…
Clinical Trials Process: A Physician’s View
Interview With Dr. Jeff SharmanDr. Jeff Sharman Interview With Dr. Jeff SharmanDr.…
Call for Quality Training Abstracts via Telluride Alum
If you are looking for something to do over the holiday weekend,…
Wal-Mart provides evidence Obamacare is working
What’s in your basket?From a Wall Street Journal blog: What’s in your basket?From a Wall…
2015 Trends for Rural Hospitals and Rural Healthcare
According to the NC Rural Health Research Program there have been 56 rural hospital…
3D-Printed Pill Opens Up World of Customized Medication
Every time a one-of-a-kind 3D-printed trinket takes center stage, the power of…
The 5 Biggest Challenges Healthcare Leaders are Facing in 2015
2015 has been a big year of change for many healthcare systems.…