Microsoft GE Healthcare Joint Venture – A Sign of Weakness or Strength?
Microsoft and GE Healthcare announced a joint venture yesterday (as-yet unnamed), trumpeted as…
Let a Thousand Free Markets Bloom
The Center for Health Market Innovations has identified more than 1,000 (mainly…
Where is the Device Industry’s Seat at the “Network of Experts” Table?
Recent draft polices from the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) have…
Plan B: Understanding Obama’s Cynical but Savvy Political Calculation
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius overruled the FDA to prevent…
State Dental Commissions Protect Not Just Your Teeth; They Also Protect…Dentists
Writing in, Matthew Yglesias (who’s usually way to the left of…
Video Released of TEDMED Talk on Focused Ultrasound
TEDMED has released the full presentation given by Yoav Medan on focused…
Patient Power in Indiana
Starting next year, 90 percent of Indiana state workers will be covered…
Bringing HealthCare Home to the Patient: Video With Dr Joseph Kvedar
At the recent mHealth Summit 2011 in Washington DC, one of the…
Humana Bolsters Care Management Capabilities with Acquisition of SeniorBridge
Humana announced an agreement this past week to acquire SeniorBridge, a New…
Schumer’s Completely Unhelpful Approach to Curbing Drug Shortages
Shortages of lifesaving drugs have been rising toward crisis levels in recent…