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Biz Stone, Co-Founder of Twitter is Keynote for #HIMSS12
EXCLUSIVE POST - HIMSS made the unusual move of inviting Biz Stone,…
Stage 2 Meaningful Use NPRM Now Available
The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) for Stage 2 meaningful…
Searching Online for Health Information
Many Physicians nowadays are relying on Google to help them find information…
Physician Burnout Presents Differently in Male and Female Doctors
Physician Burnout – Gender Differences in Burnout Symptoms. Numerous studies have…
Personalized Prevention, Part I
For a few years now, I’ve been thinking about the potential intersections…
Target Knows You’re Pregnant, Even if No One Else Knows
As Pole’s computers crawled through the data, he was able to identify…
Myths About Continuing Care Retirement Communities
Age Wave, a research and consulting company focused on the lives and…
Remembering When I Last Injected: Timesulin Helps
So things have been pretty darn hectic the last few weeks, mainly…
The Future of Innovation in Health Care
Is innovation a necessity or a luxury that our financially strained health…