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Obesity Treatment Moving Toward Fragmented Clinical Approaches
The obesity market is on the verge of new product introductions (especially…
Video:Telemedicine on the Frontier
As rural providers work to expand access to care to far-flung patients,…
Patient Power: Many Miles Traveled, Many More to Go
I am writing this in flight across Canada. West to East. At…
Lack of Sleep Increases Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
Poor health outcomes – namely higher blood pressure and being overweight…
Meaningful Use and Mobile Apps
Several sources are discussing the possibilities that EMRs will eventually require…
Trusted Source: Certified Medical Apps and Products
Not long ago I referenced Continua in an interview about securing and…
Online Classes Lead to On Camera Promo at Levindale
It was lights, camera, action at Levindale Hebrew Geriatric Center and Hospital…
Scientists in Japan Use Stem Cells to Grow Hair on Bald Mouse
If you read the entire article here the scientists were able to…
Are Hospitals Prepared for the HCAHPS?
By Scott WetzelHow many of you have bought a car, ate at…
Prostate Study Receives Media Attention
A study published in this month's Lancet has received a lot of…