Latest eHealth News
What Healthcare Can Learn from the G20 Summit
The news over the last week has been dominated by the G20…
Telemedicine: CY 2015 MPFS Reportage and Dangers of the Echo Chamber
Many of us are waiting with bated breath for CMS to broaden…
Online Patient Community Building in Hospitals [PODCAST]
In the "olden days" - like 10 years ago - patients had…
Beyond the Buzz: 25 Content Ideas for Your Healthcare Blog
I recently shared with you 7 reasons that healthcare professionals should blog,…
Marketing Home Health Care: A Major Opportunity in the United States
We write a lot about technology and health care here, because I…
Finding the Solutions to Big Data Security Concerns
The healthcare industry is in the midst of some rapid changes. Technology…
Sensors Offer New Power to Improve Health
Have you ever thought about how we evolved and the implications for…
Is Meaningful Use Working? How Can Innovators Encourage EHR Adoption?
Earlier this year NueMD created a nice looking Meaningful Use Infographic — asking…
MediSafe’s Custom Feed Creates Better Health Engagement, On the Go
Your Facebook News Feed is customized based on your interests and the…