Virtual Meet-Ups for Cancer Patients
Now, cancer patients can meet virtually and share stories. With the Patient…
David Harlow IS @Healthblawg
David Harlow is a healthcare lawyer and well-know in healthcare social media…
What Healthcare Needs to Know About Google’s Mobile-Friendly Algorithm Update
It has become impossible to ignore our growing dependence on mobile devices.…
Is “Convincing” People to Use Health Apps the Right Approach to Patient Engagement?
If patient-centered care is supposed to be about “respecting the patient’s perspective”…
Biopharma Beat: Patient Engagement Throughout the Drug Development Lifecycle
Medical research and development, including that which is done by the biotechnology…
Who Knew? Facebook Tops HCAHPS as Measure of Care
You don’t have to look far to find a chorus of concerns…
Taking Patient Engagement Into the Shark Tank
Shark Tank billionaire Mark Cuban waded into the healthcare conversation last week and…
Live Streams: A New Way to Market Your Healthcare Facility
Video has become a very popular medium in the world of digital…
Patient Engagement: Overused Sound Bite or Transformative Opportunity?
Criteria for Stage 3 of meaningful use of EHRs were released recently…
Pharma Is from Mars, Patients Are from Venus
As the pharmaceutical industry faces increasing pressure to be more patient-centric, ensuring…