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Chat 120 Summary: What are Your Favourite Twitter Communities and Hashtags?
On March 20th, hcsmca-ers shared their experiences with other hashtag communities and…
Crowdsourcing: The New, New Way of Surveillance
New research is showing that crowdsourcing is more effective than traditional surveillance…
A Healthcare Guide to Hashtags and Tweet-Ups
You’ve probably been to a conference or meeting and overheard a colleague…
mHealth on The Colbert Report: Dr. Eric Topol [VIDEO]
I’m returning back after a few days with family, and what better…
Transforming Home-Based Care with Real-time Information from Inside the Home
While a patient may spend a few hours in the hospital or…
EHR’s a Money Loser (Or is It?)
HealthLeaders Media has reported on a recent study that was conducted on…
Is Facebook a Predictor of Your Health?
I’ve written before about the power of analyzing what you write in…
Reputation Management Primer: The Essential Tool You Didn’t Know About
Most physicians regard their professional reputation as their most prized—and most highly…
The Mobile Tipping Point: Optimize Your Healthcare Site or Vanish
Sometime this year, mobile phones will overtake PCs as the most common…
FDA’s Dr. Katz Talks Social Media and Clinical Trials
I was fortunate to be invited to speak at the American Society…