The Iceberg Waiting for Your Health Care Data
The Heartbleed web security exploit was first publicized several weeks ago. The…
Factors Influencing ACO Expansion
Summary: What is contributing to the rapid expansion of ACOs? What programs…
How to Build Sustainable Models for HIE: Put the Citizen/Patient at the Center.
I enjoyed reading Anthony Brino’s surmise of US Health Information Exchange status…
Why Healthcare Needs to Be Communicated in 6 Words or Less
“This is now up to me.” They’re only six words. Yet those six…
Why EHRs are Key to Better Clinical Data
You cannot manage what you cannot measure. What you cannot measure, you…
Targeted Local Medical Marketing: Quickly Build Your Online Presence
People who are new to digital marketing often believe that putting up…
Delivering High Quality Healthcare: Measure, Improve, Measure Again
I continue to be amazed by the magical thinking that is swirling around electronic…
Making Health Addictive: Use Unpredictable Rewards
Since my presentation at the 2013 Connected Health Symposium, “Making Health Addictive,”…
Medical Professionals: Protect the Online Reputation of Your Practice
The healthcare industry, for better or worse, is an INDUSTRY, and as…
HIPAA Marketing Rule Guidance: Better Than Nothing
The HITECH Act made some significant changes to the HIPAA Privacy Rule,…