How Much Can We Demand of Consumer Connected Health?
A few years back, when I first became fascinated by self-tracking, I…
The Long Road to Digitization: A History of Healthcare Informatics [INFOGRAPHIC]
A couple of weeks ago I touched on the differences between good…
Top 5 Online Strategies for Successful Physician Marketing
These can be very challenging times for modern medical practices. The Affordable…
Transforming Healthcare Through IT in Washington State
It seems every week there’s another health IT event in Seattle these…
8 Major Advantages of Dictated Medical Transcriptions
Due to incentives offered to physicians by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid…
2014 Healthcare Marketing Report
Healthcare as we know it is in the midst of unprecedented change.…
ICD-10? Get Ready for ICD-11
ICD-10 implementation has been called medicine’s perfect storm. Between the deadlines for…
Twitter Collage: A Zillion Volts of Noticeability
Cleveland Clinic Tweet Cleveland Clinic TweetIf, as the saying goes, “a picture…
Digital Tools in Pharma: An Interview with Panos Papakonstantinou
Papos Papakonstantinou of Novartis Europe, digital specialist, will be speaking at Doctors…
The Iceberg Waiting for Your Health Care Data
The Heartbleed web security exploit was first publicized several weeks ago. The…