Doctors and Nurses in a Twit about Technology Destroying Healthcare
Every workday morning I spend 30 minutes or so reviewing my Twitter feed. By…
5 Pitfalls Mobile App Developers Face with HIPAA Compliance
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act was signed into law by…
Practice Fusion’s Partnership with Merck, and Its Data Implications
Practice Fusion recently partnered with vaccine manufacturer and drug company Merck to…
Addressing the Needs of Family Caregivers of Loved Ones with Rare Diseases
More relief for caregivers of those with rare diseases is now available.…
Bruce Bethancourt on Building the Medical Group of Tomorrow [TRANSCRIPT]
This is the transcript of my recent podcast interview with Dr. Bruce…
Why Medical Professionals Should Embrace Internet Marketing
Nearly 60 percent of Internet users access the Web for medical information,…
Beyond the Buzz: A Healthcare Guide to Maintaining Professionalism on Facebook
Social media have blurred the distinction between personal and professional identities, challenging…
Improving Clinical Workflow, Physician Satisfaction with Health IT
On the heels of yesterday’s post about physician and nurse dissatisfaction with health IT,…
Q & A Part One: Technology and Healthcare Efficiency—Not Always the Perfect Match
David Lee Scher, M.D., is a cardiac electrophysiologist and a pioneer in…
Benefits of Long-Form Content in Healthcare Marketing
It is many people’s opinion that attention span’s on the web are…