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Wi-Fi Alliance® and Continua® Health Alliance Collaborate on Personal Connected Health
Continua is the wireless alliance of both software and hardware in healthcare,…
Hospitals Get Early Start on Medicare Reform Sector
Ripple effect of reform? Perhaps, but in light of the federal government’s…
Palliative Care Teams – A Big Improvement in Quality of Life
During the healthcare reform debate there was the unfortunate reference to “death…
Prime Healthcare Billing Processes Under Question as 25% of Medicare Patients are Showing Malnutrition- Profit Algorithms?
This is something worth reading as we are all focusing on getting…
Massachusetts Medical School Wins Contract to Design Health Insurance Exchanges
Massachusetts was the model that was used to design some of the…
Southern California Hospital Offers Appointments for the Emergency Room for $15.00 for Non Emergency Visits-InQuickER
This could certainly be popular and something that might spread as to…
New Zealand Making a Renewed Effort to Attract Patients from the US With Non-Tort Surgical Procedures-Medical Tourism
Last year New Zealand started promoting medical tourism and the company…
Concentra’s Dr. Tom Fogarty on urgent care (transcript)
This is the transcript of my recent podcast interview with Concentra Chief…
Protocol Medicine – It Is Time For Doctors To Recognize Their Value
We hear that doctors do not like “protocol medicine” – they do…
More Evidence that Medical Malpractice Reform Wouldn’t Stop Excessive Testing
As discussed recently (Let’s not forget patient safety in med mal reform)…