Latest Business News
Bacteria and Mobile Devices
I really see us moving beyond COWs (computers-on-wheels) and an explosion in…
Healthcare Data Security: How Bad is it?
It is really bad, according to a recent survey by the Ponemon…
Commercial Speech Trumps Privacy When It Comes to Drug Marketing
Yesterday, the Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that states can’t pass laws like…
Push Accelerates for Artificial Pancreas for Type 1 Diabetes
By recently releasing guidelines for premarket approval and investigation device exemption of…
Pharma Tapping into the Power of Social Media
Recently quoted in PharmaVOICE in the May 2011 edition, I presented my…
PatientKeeper CEO Paul Brient on Accountable Care Organizations (Transcript))
This is the transcript of my recent podcast interview with PatientKeeper CEO…
Health Care Buzz Today
Surge in EHR Purchases Predicted. Half of more than 1,300 physician group…
Medicare Benefits Good Step Towards Prevention
In the midst of a continuing dialogue about the critical role prevention…
Upcoming Speaking Engagements – health care social media, ACOs and more
I spoke recently at a MassMEDIC conference about the FDA and social…
Pan Mass Challenge 2011 – Please Support my Ride & Help Lick Cancer
It’s that time again – the Pan Mass Challenge is coming up…