A Von Eschenbach Sighting
Former Food and Drug Administration commissioner Andrew Von Eschenbach, who ran the…
First Lawsuit Filed Against a Business Associate Under HIPAA / HITECH
The first HIPAA enforcement action against a business associate has been filed…
With Health Care Spending Still on the Rise, Payment Models Begin to Change
Earlier this week, Ways and Means Health Subcommittee Chairman Wally Herger (R-CA)…
Physician Burnout: Why it’s not a Fair Fight
Why does having a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment as…
Crowdsourcing for Healthcare Innovation
In Robert Berenson, MD and Nicole Cafarella’s article, Is the CMS Innovation…
Collaborative Governance
At a combined retreat that I facilitated last month, a Board chair…
Medical Malpractice Fear Drives Doctors to Order Too Many Tests MD Survey Shows
Medical Malpractice Fear drives many doctors to order too many tests.…
Healthcare Jobs – Fastest Growing Job Sector in Next Decade
Healthcare Jobs are projected to be the fastest growing job sector over…
Google Plus Telemedicine: Is The Patient Ready?
Health IT developers are producing medical applications for mobile users rapidly…
The Rise of the Healthcare App Industry
The advent of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and mobile/portable device use…