Medical Loss Ratio Reform: Barking Up the Wrong Tree
The Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare) requires health plans to spend at least 80…
Give the Gift of Life for National Donate Life Month
During April, National Donate Life Month, The Living Legacy Foundation of Maryland,…
Healthbox CEO Nina Nashif Discusses Innovation in HealthCare
This is the transcript of my recent podcast interview with Healthbox CEO…
Person-Centered HealthCare: What Makes a Patient-Centered Provider Website?
I came across a provider website the other day that impressed me…
Can We Put the Hospital Marketing Genie Back in the Bottle?
I am old enough to remember when physicians did not advertise. It…
High Quality, Low Cost HealthCare Video Interview Series: Dr Ricardo Bello Talks Reducing Readmissions @MontefioreNYC
Previously, Dr Lawrence Cheskin from Johns Hopkins talked to us about his…
The Still-Early State of Online Doctor Reviews
A front-page Boston Globe article on a neurosurgeon suing a caregiver for…
Health of Americans Ranks Worst Among High-Income Countries
Well, this sure is depressing. Well, this sure is depressing.Amid all the…
Dr. Carson on Health Care
Dr. Ben Carson made quite a splash at the National Prayer Breakfast…
Most Expensive Nursing Homes on the East Coast
According to's searchable online database the most expensive nursing home care…