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HealthCare Marketing: Past, Present and Future
Healthcare marketing has changed dramatically over the past ten years. Brochures and…
Patient Centered Reception Areas
I don’t think many patients could resist interfacing with this ‘art’. They…
Medical Office Efficiency – The Times They are a Wastin’
Medical practices, particularly private businesses like mine, strive for efficiency. This…
Employer-Backed Health Insurance Plans On Life Support?
I've been heard in these precincts and elsewhere on the topic…
Direct Pay and Concierge Medical Practice
Many physicians as they continue to practice medicine in an increasingly…
Massachusetts Gets Ready to Tame HealthCare Costs
While much of the country braces for full implementation of the Affordable…
Medical Director: Characteristics of Success
The Evolution of the Medical DirectorAs healthcare continues to change, so do…
Physician Burnout and the Enlightened CFO
Physician Burnout and the Power of an Enlightened CFOWhat your CFO…
PQRS: Alphabet Soup with Little Meaning
I'm quoted in the current is I'm quoted in the current issue…
Hospitals Ignore Bill Payment Technology and Suffer the Consequences
It is not news that technology is changing the way the world…