What Sets PCMH Apart from Other Healthcare Models?
Summary: What is PCMH? What does it mean to provide patient centered…
How Physician Practices Can Prepare For A Health Care Marketplace
What is the path forward for physicians who want to remain in…
Health Startups that Interest @HealthCursor @medmocha
Zipdial | India ZipDial is a unique company from Bangalore, India, that…
The Future of Health Insurance
Perhaps the term “Health Insurance” has become an oxymoron. Health Insurance now…
Salesmen in the Operating Room: Whose Best Interest Is at Stake?
Industry and medicine are permanently linked together–like it or not. Attempts to…
Hospitals Make Money from Complications – And Here’s Why
A new JAMA article (Relationship Between Occurrence of Surgical Complications and Hospital…
Why Do Some States Spend More on Health Care?
Health care spending varies radically across the 50 states. Massachusetts (at $9,278…
Healthcare Landing Pages That Actually Work: The What, Why and How
In an informal survey of healthcare and hospital Internet advertising recently, we…
The High Healthcare Costs of Emergency Department Visits: Stop Pointing Fingers and Begin Offering Solutions
Nothing exemplifies more the complete lack of understanding of the issues surrounding…
5 Questions with Dan Haley, VP of Government and Regulatory Affairs at athenahealth
Originally published on HL7Standards.com. Originally published on HL7Standards.com.Athenahealth was right in the…