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Government Drops Big Data Bombshell on U.S. Hospital Industry
(Editor's Note: Dan Munro is a contributing editor to Forbes. His columns are…
Wanted: Entrepreneurial Business Models for Doctors
My perception is that doctors in previous generations were more likely to…
Hospital Chargemasters and Open Data from CMS — The Conversation Continues
When CMS recently released hospital chargemaster and payment data for the 100…
America Spends More on Emergency Medicine Than Previously Thought. Good or Bad?
American emergency departments take a lot of heat from critics who assert…
Obamacare Won’t Cause Fast Food Shortage
Mid-sized, low wage companies will feel the effect of Affordable Care Act…
Workers’ Compensation and ICD-10
All medical providers are preparing to switch their billing practices from ICD-9…
Handling New Patient Leads: When to Call a Lead
People are increasingly relying on the Internet to find the answers they…
Why Ignoring ICD-10 Won’t Make It Go Away
The US Dept. of Health and Human Services has directed the supplanting…
Trend Watch: Obamacare Challenging Community Hospitals
On an ordinary day many small- to mid-size community hospitals struggle to…