Doctors 2.0 – Second Post
Sitting next to +Ronan Kavanagh in a nice French restaurant after the first day…
RAND Corporation (Briefly) Publishes Sobering Report On Workplace Wellness Programs
(Editor's note: Dan Munro writes for under the heading, "HealthCare Compass")…
What Social Media Site Is Your Doctor Networking on?
Last year, “social recruiting” became mainstream as more job seekers and companies…
Healthcare Insurance Marketplaces: What You Need to Know
Whether or not you agree with healthcare reform, it's important to know…
Physicians Cut Costs by Rejecting Insurance
More Physicians Convert to Cash-Only PracticesRising healthcare costs have been the focus…
Is Social Media a Fit for Doctors?
The American College of Physicians (ACP) announced recently that physicians looking to…
iPad App Makes Dermatology Offices More Efficient
More dermatologists struggle with efficiency internally in their practices. One system for…
Why Newly Hired Physicians Lose Money for Hospitals (and Need Marketing)
About the time the Affordable Care Act (often labeled Obamacare) was enacted…
Despite High EHR Adoption Rates, Physicians Want Stage 2 Delay
The implementation of electronic health record software has made it possible for…
Calling All Patients…Now is Your Chance to Have Your Voice Heard
Yesterday, June 3, was the kick off for an amazing Challenge –…