I’m a Patient and I Read Like a Seventh Grader: This Is Your Problem
Your patient can be your friend and advocateSales of medical devices and…
Watch Four Health Startups Build Their Businesses on WSJ’s Reality TV-Style “Startup of the Year”
First published on MedCityNewsThe growing pains. The stumbles. The victories. Four healthcare…
Marketing to Physicians? Think Education and Email
(Originally published via MedCityNews.com.) Here’s some advice for companies trying to get new…
ACA Delays Increase Marketplace Confusion
In recent days, the Obama administration, in a bid to appear friendly…
Venture Capital Indicates Trends of Digital Health
The pharmaceutical industry has been experiencing some fundamental changes–outstanding efficacy and cost-effectiveness…
Compatability Matters: NaviGo Health Puts Online Dating-Style Twist On Physician Searching
First Published on MedCityNewsIf ZocDoc and eHarmony got together, they would make…
Angel Investing Groups Show Love of Healthcare
First Published in MedCityNews First Published in MedCityNews“The key (angel investing) trends…
Using Telemedicine to Increase Hospital Revenue
Telemedicine has grown dramatically in the past few years. Not only has…
Future-Proof Digital Marketing for Group Practices
The world of digital marketing changes rapidly: social media has grown in…
Choosing New Tech Tools: Tips from a Hospital CMO
Vanguard Health System probably doesn’t come to mind as a www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCwQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vanguardhealth.com%2F&ei=LjrpUbOmC_LB4APbpYHoAg&usg=AFQjCNEuc2SaByxtc47rzwS9RWTN3HZZ1w&bvm=bv.49478099,d.dmg" rel="nofollow"…