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The Struggle for Consumer Attention: Brand-Name Drugs vs. Generics
“Is there a generic version of that?” “Is there a generic version…
Will Work for Dental Care: Not a Bad Idea
There’s a big gap in coverage for dental care. It’s not considered…
Making Heath Addictive: Make It Personal
This is the third in a series of posts about a concept…
Engage Your Patients and Members Where They Are – Not Where You Wish They Were
Not long ago, Lloyd Dean, president and CEO of the San Francisco-based…
Installing an MU-Certified EHR Doesn’t Mean Saying Good-Bye to Paper
As I travel and speak with physician practices and hospital execs about…
Quantifying Quality in Healthcare
As a supporter of efforts to promote health and wellness by preventing…
The Importance of Collaboration in Your Hospital
I attend a number of conferences throughout the year. The most obvious…
Can You Hear Me Now? Another Health Market that Really Works
Hearing aids have been expensive — until now. Hearing aids have been…
Watch, Feel, Share: How Emotion-Fueled Videos Propel (Viral) Engagement
Of the thousands of hospital or healthcare videos, few will ever “go…
How to Improve Healthcare: Address Super-Utilizers
Super-Utilizers: “Frequent Flyers” will drive healthcare improvement for all of us.Dr. Jeffrey…