Latest Business News
Is Our Medicaid System Vulnerable to Collapse in 2014?
Adults who are insured under Medicaid visit emergency rooms 40 percent more…
Expansion of Primary Care and Relationships Leads to Fewer ER Visits
The recent article in Science showing increased use of emergency rooms after…
Online Patient Reviews: Power, Influence and Muscle to Grow Even Bigger
If you thought that online patient review sites were important, you’d be…
Health IT Wisdom at the End of 2013 and Start of 2014
I am quoted in a couple of year-end / new year pieces…
Innovation: An End-to-End Proposition
I recently attended a cross-industry conference on the “Back End of Innovation”;…
Are Doctors Prepared for Impending Changes to Medical Billing Practices?
Medical billing is an intricate and international system of codes used by…
Should We Bail Out Hospitals for Their Bad Debt?
A previous blog entry tried to shed some light on the phenomenon of…
Year in Review 2013: Evidence and Market Access
Précis: 2013 is the year transparency became ‘a thing’, and quite a serious…
Year in Review 2013: Sales
Précis: In the second of our ‘year in review’ pieces, we’re looking at…
Massachusetts Health Policy Commission Cost Trends Report
The Massachusetts Health Policy Commission released its preliminary cost trends report for…