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Choose Carefully: Keyword Match Type Tips for Medical Search Marketing
Choosing keyword match types is almost as important as selecting the keywords…
Top 10 Healthcare Takeaways from #SXSW2014: Part One
As I did in 2013 for SXSW, here are five of my…
HiMSS 2014: A Chat with Dr. Devin Jopp, CEO and President of WEDI
As a part of our role as a Social Media Ambassadors at HiMSS14 in Orlando, Florida,…
The Sorry State of Health Economics
First a disclaimer. I have never taken a course in health economics.…
Wellbeing Starts in the C-Suite
Recently an employee from a nationally known firm based in my city…
Juliette Kayyem, MA Gubernatorial Candidate, Speaks with the Health Business Blog
Juliette Kayyem (D), candidate for Governor Juliette Kayyem (D), candidate for GovernorDownload:…
Some Hospitals, Physicians Dropping Out of Government EHR Program
The 2009 HITECH Act authorized billions of taxpayers’ dollars be spent to…
The Power of Conversations Between Physicians and Patients
People always ask me how I got started with my work in…
Criminal Attacks on Healthcare Organizations Increase 100%
I've posted on data security and breaches for the last few years…
Health Wonk Review: Mud Season Edition
I moved around a lot when I was really young, but for…