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Passing Hope in the Form of a Baton
March 19th marked the national kick-off of The Baton Pass, a grassroots…
A Snapshot of the Health Care Workforce
How is the health care workforce changing under ObamaCare? How is the…
From DMAA to CCA to PHA – What? Listen as Fred Goldstein Explains
I had the good fortune of attending the very first meeting of…
6 Medical Practice Website Mistakes That Affect Conversion
When it comes right down to it, your website isn’t simply about…
10 Trade Secrets: How Exceptional Public Speakers Make It Look Easy
Presentations. Speeches. Talks. Presentations. Speeches. Talks.Everyone does them. Most people dread giving…
Social Media and Medical Practices: What Works and What Doesn’t
It's no secret that social media has transformed the way American businesses…
7 More Simple Secrets to Engagement, Action and Sharing
More secrets, tips and idea-starters to help create engagement, inspire action and…
Health IT: Getting Beyond the Hype and Focusing on Valuable Content
My friend John Lynn was kind enough to cover the new HealthIMPACT…
Myth: Frequent ER Users Don’t Use Primary Care
Frequent Emergency Room users (10 or more ER visits per year) averaged…
Disrupting and Destructing Healthcare
From childhood most of us remember the sage parental advice on how…