Why Medical Professionals Should Embrace Internet Marketing
Nearly 60 percent of Internet users access the Web for medical information,…
The Staying Power of Spine Surgery Markets
While medtech over the past five years has seen continued pressure on…
Beyond the Buzz: A Healthcare Guide to Maintaining Professionalism on Facebook
Social media have blurred the distinction between personal and professional identities, challenging…
Improving Clinical Workflow, Physician Satisfaction with Health IT
On the heels of yesterday’s post about physician and nurse dissatisfaction with health IT,…
Q & A Part One: Technology and Healthcare Efficiency—Not Always the Perfect Match
David Lee Scher, M.D., is a cardiac electrophysiologist and a pioneer in…
Mosquito-Dissecting Robot May Bring Malaria Vaccine Closer to Reality
First published on MedCityNews.com. Biotech company Sanaria has spent the last decade…
Time: The Impediment to Being a Good Primary Care Doctor
Did you get more than a few minutes with your doctor…
The Triple Aim: Better Health, Better Care, Lower Cost
The Triple AimWith hospitals moving toward a value-based payment system there is…
Lessons to Be Learned for Clinical Trials
FHI 360, a nonprofit human development organization dedicated to improving lives in…
Do Colors Influence Website Visits?
Your website is the online hub of your hospital or healthcare facility.…